Java SDK for the Model Context Protocol enables standardized integration between AI models and tools.


  • MCP Client and MCP Server implementations supporting:
  • Multiple transport implementations:
    • Default transports:
      • Stdio-based transport for process-based communication
      • Java HttpClient-based SSE client transport for HTTP SSE Client-side streaming
      • Servlet-based SSE server transport for HTTP SSE Server streaming
    • Spring-based transports:
      • WebFlux SSE client and server transports for reactive HTTP streaming
      • WebMVC SSE transport for servlet-based HTTP streaming
  • Supports Synchronous and Asynchronous programming paradigms


The SDK follows a layered architecture with clear separation of concerns:

  • Client/Server Layer (McpClient/McpServer): Both use McpSession for sync/async operations, with McpClient handling client-side protocol operations and McpServer managing server-side protocol operations.
  • Session Layer (McpSession): Manages communication patterns and state using DefaultMcpSession implementation.
  • Transport Layer (McpTransport): Handles JSON-RPC message serialization/deserialization via:
    • StdioTransport (stdin/stdout) in the core module
    • HTTP SSE transports in dedicated transport modules (Java HttpClient, Spring WebFlux, Spring WebMVC)

The MCP Client is a key component in the Model Context Protocol (MCP) architecture, responsible for establishing and managing connections with MCP servers. It implements the client-side of the protocol.

The MCP Server is a foundational component in the Model Context Protocol (MCP) architecture that provides tools, resources, and capabilities to clients. It implements the server-side of the protocol.

Key Interactions:

  • Client/Server Initialization: Transport setup, protocol compatibility check, capability negotiation, and implementation details exchange.
  • Message Flow: JSON-RPC message handling with validation, type-safe response processing, and error handling.
  • Resource Management: Resource discovery, URI template-based access, subscription system, and content retrieval.


Add the following Maven dependency to your project:

The core MCP functionality:


For HTTP SSE transport implementations, add one of the following dependencies:

<!-- Spring WebFlux-based SSE client and server transport -->

<!-- Spring WebMVC-based SSE server transport -->

Bill of Materials (BOM)

The Bill of Materials (BOM) declares the recommended versions of all the dependencies used by a given release. Using the BOM from your application’s build script avoids the need for you to specify and maintain the dependency versions yourself. Instead, the version of the BOM you’re using determines the utilized dependency versions. It also ensures that you’re using supported and tested versions of the dependencies by default, unless you choose to override them.

Add the BOM to your project:


Replace the version number with the version of the BOM you want to use.

Available Dependencies

The following dependencies are available and managed by the BOM:

  • Core Dependencies
    • io.modelcontextprotocol.sdk:mcp - Core MCP library providing the base functionality and APIs for Model Context Protocol implementation.
  • Transport Dependencies
    • io.modelcontextprotocol.sdk:mcp-spring-webflux - WebFlux-based Server-Sent Events (SSE) transport implementation for reactive applications.
    • io.modelcontextprotocol.sdk:mcp-spring-webmvc - WebMVC-based Server-Sent Events (SSE) transport implementation for servlet-based applications.
  • Testing Dependencies
    • io.modelcontextprotocol.sdk:mcp-test - Testing utilities and support for MCP-based applications.

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